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Graduation Celebration

The Certificate in
Biodiversity Entrepreneurship

The Certificate in Biodiversity Entrepreneurship is a free 10-module online training course with a multiple choice exam at the end which you must pass in order to achieve certification. 


The goal of the course is to help first-time entrepreneurs quickly understand the most important aspects of the startup phase. Spending your time consuming MBA materials will not help your startup succeed. Understanding the importance of experimentation, customer discovery, pivoting and the funding journey will be far more effective.


The course has been created and is presented by Mike Kelly, founder of and multiple internationally successful businesses, including the Channel Institute.


Achieving certification status proves to Incubators, Accelerators and Investors that you take the business side of your startup as seriously as the scientific. It builds your credibility and demonstrates your commitment to building a business, not just a project.

Course Modules

Transparent Wave



An overview of the course, the goals, a review of the syllabus and the benefits you can expect to achieve by completing it.


Startup Mindset

Too many biodiversity entrepreneurs still hold the traditional mindset to creating a startup. This module prepares you for the discovery-based "scientific" approach to building a de-risked startup with a much higher chance of success.

Paper Art



If you're a true entrepreneur you don't just have one solution idea in mind right now, you have lots! This module helps you explore, evaluate and prioritize each concept so you have a clear focus for the most important stage: Customer Discovery.


Customer Discovery

This is a critical step in building a successful startup, and is probably the biggest reason most startups fail. In this module we explore what Customer Discovery means, why it is so important, and how to do it.

Metallic Glass Object
Curved Tubes


Customer Validation

How can you be sure that you are not kidding yourself, and that someone actually wants to pay money for what you plan to build? Think prototypes, not MVP yet. Customer Validation is the pointy end of the stick. This module will show you how to obtain evidence to decide whether to Persevere, Pivot or Abandon.


Persevere / Pivot / Abandon

The scientific approach to startups is an iterative one, with many feedback loops. It's extremely rare that anyone gets it right first time. This model teaches you how to take one step back after two steps forward so that you have a strong foundation for future success. Persevere means moving from prototype to MVP.

Silk Texture
Abstract Gold Flower


Business Model Generation

Congratulations! You found a concept that passed the Customer Validation tests. Now how do you make sure it doesn't bankrupt you? This module explores how to create a viable and scalable business model that investors will believe in.



How can you build a "growth engine" that will scale globally and provide investors with a return that meets their "hurdle rate"? This module introduces concepts and frameworks to help you think this through.

Modern Abstract Structure
Abstract Wave



We finally arrive at the phase where most entrepreneurs start: Strategy. Don't even think about touching strategy development until you have solid answers to the previous modules!


Winning Your First Customers

Nothing happens in business until something gets sold. Free pilots are helpful, but they are not customers. In this module we explore tactics for winning your first biodiversity customers and proving your business model in the field so investors will take you seriously.

Crystal Rock
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